Sunday, October 27, 2013

Things I hate about Brown Girls.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

                                                             Feminist Reflections is a feature I created on my blog to share my personal thoughts.

So, I haven't gotten the time to update my blog in a couple of weeks because of college work, medical studies can be hectic(Neurology classes are sooo tough especially at my college!) I had midterms and now I'm finally done with them! They went amazing Alhumdulilaah, thanks to the people who had me in their du'as. Another thank you to all you people who messaged and emailed me all kinds of kind things about my last blog update and my blog overall! It really means so much to me, it makes my day when people say I inspire them :) That's not really my goal though, to be your inspiration, I just want people to be more open minded and have a little more humanity in them. Although, thank God this blog is not a complete fail haha. Thank you again cupcakes! xo Here's a kissy for you all! (These pictures are not mine)

About this post, no offense to any brown ladies out there, I'm brown myself so tension naaawwt larki, I'm your kind. I'm not including middle eastern girls in this because these traits don't really apply to them. Some can be like this but most aren't, it's mostly desi girls.

Brown girls look like this
(I know some don't but she has traditional brown girl features minus the white skin)

Want this.

Date this.

and end up marrying this.

Like in brown guys cases, most brown girls end up marrying their cousin back home or an old man. It's sad, but it happens. Unrealistic expectations and haram dating will lead to this.

I hate when brown girls are so confusing.

You push someone away, but then want them back the next minute? It's sooo stupid. Like make up your damn mind, I feel so bad how some girls treat their man. One minute you're like "I love you baby!" next minute it's "I hate you! leave me alone!" then the same thing again and again..

Why won't you cook for him? Traditionally, women belong in the kitchen so yeah hunnie do it. I don't get why girls complain about cooking for their guy or anyone in general, food is love. By giving someone food, it's like happiness okay. He'll love you forever if you're wifey material. If he actually take cares of you and cooks for you yet you are a confused chuwi, then SHUT UP already and do what he says. Think before you speak, otherwise he will find someone more deserving for him. 

If he's nice to you, then be nice to him. Otherwise you will become the food :)

I hate when insecure brown girls complain about everything.

First thing that pops out is "DO I LOOK FAT?" Like seriously, no hi or hello? I hate how brown girls are so self-absorbed in themselves. Even if you are fat, what difference will it make to your STUPID MIND?! I like makeup to a limit, it looks nice when it isn't abused. If you're a MUA or it's your wedding then it's okay, you can abuse it otherwise tone the makeup down a bit. 

This is good makeup.

This is bad makeup.

You weren't born with makeup on your face nor do you look the same in the morning. Brown girls that are constantly overdosing on makeup coming out looking like attaface, bleaching skin, super editing pictures to complete plastic, you don't even look like that in real life. It just makes me go.. .

You go out, you complain about everything. You complain about the food yet you eat it? You complain you're getting fat yet you still overdose on food. I really hate it when brown girls complain their feet hurt but they chose to wear those 5-inch heels?  Beauty is pain. If you wanna look all hottie naughty, then get used to the pain that comes with it.

I hate when brown girls cry when they get their heart broken yet it's their own fault.
Who told you to get with that ghulu master? Didn't you already know he was a player? If you didn't know, and he just sweetalked his way into your heart, then it's not your fault. And okay, yes I understand players can change, but unless you're really special to him and he actually wants to change, then he can change. Otherwise you wishing and dreaming won't make it happen. Most of the time he will not change. I hate it when my girls come upto me crying when I already told them guy was a player from the start, and they choose to be with him instead of listening to me yet come to me when you get your heart broken? 

SERIOUSLY? What do I look like??

In this situation, I don't know whether to punch my friend or the guy. More likely my friend though, but of course, I don't because I need to be a good friend at the moment and I wouldn't want to hurt her more. It makes no sense to me. You IGNORE the "thirsty" or "desperate" guy that IS a nice guy who actually cares for you yet you're chasing an idiot who doesn't care if you live or die? Is it because he's so dreamy and has swag? Swag doesn't pay your bills hunnie, ask him to read a damn paragraph out loud. You want attention, but you don't want attention from the "thirsty" guy yet you want to it from the typical jerk? If you thought about committing suicide over a guy, then please don't. It's not worth it, he will just bring another girl to your funeral then your soul won't rest either. I don't understand why complain no good guys exist when you're chasing the wrong ones. Honestly brown girls who do this either get treated like trash or treat others like trash. I guess it's karma. Treat others the way you want to be treated..

I hate when brown girls don't respect themselves.

We have all seen these kind of brown girls - posing half-naked or even topless in pictures just to get attention or a few likes. If that's your lifestyle, and you don't care about anyone's opinions than kudos to you missy! I know a couple of brown girls that are party girls, but they're so sweet and kind, they don't care what others think. If you don't have any expectations and are nice to me, then I will be nice to you. A bad lifestyle does not always mean a bad person though. Otherwise if you actually want respect, I suggest before even having the desire to seek respect, you get off the bathroom table, stop sticking out your lips out to the maximum duckface, put your middle finger down, and put on some clothes. Imagine if your dad saw that? When girls participate in a "smash or pass" contest, seriously you would degrade yourself like that? You will get a smash for sure, in the face by your parents and you will be passed down back home. It's more better to keep it classy and leave others wondering what lies beneath. Respect yourselves and others will respect you. The better person you are, the better people you will attract. Good goes to good, and bad deserves bad only. 

I hate when brown girls trash talk about other girls.

I find brown girls to be the worst kind of girls out there .. I have never met anyone as mean, cruel, and vile as brown girls. Some brown WOMEN are the sweetest ladies out there & I know quite a few, but I have encountered a lot of stupid brown girls. It really bothers me when brown girls talk trash, I feel so bad even hearing it. Okay yes, we're crazy and people still love us but hello, can you cut the gandi zabaan a bit down?? Why do brown girls hate on girls they DON'T even know??

I've seen this for myself, when a girl passes by, some brown girls point fingers at her and start a pointless conversation about her.

"Oh, look at her long hair.. I bet it's all extensions."

"Oh look how flawless her skin is, it's due to the makeup probably."

"Her butt is so huge! You think she has implants?"

You do realize that most likely you will never meet that girl in your life again, you're just wasting your time and oxygen on her? When I see a pretty girl, I compliment her. I don't talk about her behind her back, If I don't like you - I will say it to your damn face and not like some sissy behind your back. There's some kind of weird competition going on between brown girls, like seriously? We're all equal. Why fight about who's prettier or richer? Some brown girls get mad when you breathe in the same air as them. She has her blessings, and you have your own. NO HUMAN in this world has everything. When I say everything, I mean family, love, friends, education, materialistic things etc. I'm talking about everything outside of religion

Everyone has insecurities, but it's up to you how much you let them dominate your life. I wish brown girls had more confidence, you're some of the prettiest girls out there from what I have seen. Heads up cupcake x

Stay in tuned for my next post guys :)

With love, Benish Khan.
Personal Instagram @Benishkhan_
Featuring IG Page @Femmmefatale_
Tumblr PhotoBlog Khannation


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOL i freaking love your posts ! So funny and so truee, im glad you can see the bigger picture x wish more brown girls were like you!

    1. Aww thanks Hun x don't worry, there are others like me too

    2. I want more posts!!! :)))))

    3. I want more posts!!! :)))))

    4. Aww haha I'll try updating regularly😍😘💃

  2. This is hella true !! Wowwwww You have a talent of writing. Why aren't you on YouTube missy??

    1. Thank you :) Aahh YouTube? Lol it's not for me but maybe in the future :P

  3. Oog my goodness i love this!!! You're blog is a breath of fresh air and i admire how you put it out there!!! It's very true and some of the stuff i read, i couldn't stop laughing!!!!! MashAllah keep it up! x

    1. Hehe yaayyy thank you love :) I'm glad you liked it! I really appreciate it, lots of love❤️

  4. This post was so on point and amazing! Well done♥ Love reading your posts sooo pleeeasseeee keep writing when you have time xx

    1. I'll try updating regularly, thank you hun❤️

  5. I agree with you on most of this, most girls lack confidence not just brown girls. most girls today are educated but not educated about life and that is the main problem. girls need to learn how to be humble, if somebody compliments them they seem to think that the world revolves around them. too many people are over critical and intolerant of others because they seem to think what they see is true, without even knowing the reality. I believe that many girls wear makeup because they don't want to be vulnerable so they wear a mask. I know it's wrong to judge someone but we all do it, this is why girls should think before they post photos of themselves on social media sites. you can be the nicest person but people will form an opinion on you without even knowing you and you cant change that. what I'm trying to say is that many girls have become a product of thing like instagram, likes feed their addiction of been accepted. Its saddens me to see this happen to such beautiful people, please just think before you act insha'Allah everything will be okay. I just want to apologise if ive said anything wrong, take care.

    1. Yes, I agree with you. Nowadays, a lot of girls seek attention and not respect. A true confident lady would never throw dirt another female. I think most just confuse confidence with insecurity, by picking on others. Women are a lot more complicated than men, you can't really understand them. Although, on my FF instagram a lot of women empower each other so hooray! A change has began, hopefully others will be more open minded and secure now :)

  6. Omd I could read your blogs over and over! #Perfect

  7. Im Sorry for the bad grammar and double spaces, its just that I tried to speech text (I think thats what its called) but it hasn't worked. I need a lot more practice with this feature, so I hope it didn't annoy you.

  8. I think the post relates to EVERY girl, but we only pick on brown girls because we're brown. Most girls won't cook for a man, most white/black/arab/asian girls post half naked pictures. Girls of every skin tone wear too much make up. Just look at these orange white girls!

  9. Many white girls i know are 'insecure' about being fat too. They forever talk about wanting collar bones and thigh gaps. Also, what white girl doesnt complain about her heels killing her? Haha! The only reason we choose to pick on brown people is because we're brown and thats who we pay attention to. We dont pay attention to other races and wouldnt write a blog post on them because its racist. I dislike posts and comments where 'brown' girls are single'd out. It makes us all look bad when really it's just a select few:) xxxx

    1. Hello, I just saw your comment right now. I pick on brown people, not just brown girls. I'm brown myself but I pick on brown girls mostly because I don't like most of them. I live in a diverse state, New York and I know many kinds of people with different races and ethnicities as well - Brown girls just seem the worst. It clearly say's most brown girls, not all. You're forgetting "brown" doesn't define a race, it's a color. It can apply to people of black and hispanic race as well. A white girl can be brown too if she's mixed race with Pakistani or Indian :) xo

  10. I LOVE this post! I agree with you. Why talk about someone you don't even know? I hope more brown girls read this post and get the hint =P Your posts are honest and hilarious. I love your writing style!!


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