Friday, October 31, 2014

A Thousand Pieces Of You | Review + Hardcover Giveaway(US)!♥

Friday, October 31, 2014

A Thousand Pieces of You
(Firebird Series Book #1)
Claudia Gray
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  • Publisher: HarperTeen (November 4, 2014)
  • ISBN-10: 0062278967
  • ISBN-13: 978-0062278968
  • Genre: Young Adult/Science Fiction
  • Pre-Order: Amazon |
  • B & N| HarpersCollin
Synopsis: "Cloud Atlas meets Orphan Black in this epic dimension-bending trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray about a girl who must chase her father's killer through multiple dimensions. Marguerite Caine's physicist parents are known for their groundbreaking achievements. Their most astonishing invention, called the Firebird, allows users to jump into multiple universes—and promises to revolutionize science forever. But then Marguerite's father is murdered, and the killer—her parent's handsome, enigmatic assistant Paul—escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him. Marguerite refuses to let the man who destroyed her family go free. So she races after Paul through different universes, always leaping into another version of herself. But she also meets alternate versions of the people she knows—including Paul, whose life entangles with hers in increasingly familiar ways. Before long she begins to question Paul's guilt—as well as her own heart. And soon she discovers the truth behind her father's death is far more sinister than she expectedA Thousand Pieces of You, the first book in the Firebird trilogy, explores an amazingly intricate multiverse where fate is unavoidable, the truth elusive, and love the greatest mystery of all."

  • Trick o Treat everyone! What are you all dressed up as today? How excited am I to be reviewing this right now before release ! Do you see the beautiful cover? The cover is beyond beautiful .. It' s amazing, by far one of my favorite book covers. I'm an art geek, so I noticed it right away. It led me into reviewing this book as soon as I received it. This book has a lot of action in it, it uses massive imagery that I found hard to imagine though - I haven't heard much of different dimension is novels. That is mainly because I usually don't read science fiction books, but parallel universes sound amazing. I loved the movie Upside Down though. I heard of traveling back into time, but that's not the same thing here. 
  • This book defines dimensions as many different universes elsewhere, with the person living a different life. The concept is so original! It is fantastic. This could be made into a great movie. 
  • The protagonist Marguerite was an interesting character, she's an artist too, like me! She seems plain but pretty at the same time, plain Jane anyone? Enter the two love interests. Theo and Paul. Theo is one of her good friends and Paul is just .. Paul. Just her father's pupil & assistant. Theo is so cocky, and Paul is so mysterious.. I liked Theo too, he seems sweet but Paul's more swoon worthy, I decided. I had my doubts that he had killed Meg's father, I'm not telling if that thought turned out true or false. I can just imagine Meg & Paul though..

  • The book did confuse me at one time with the whole dimensions and firebird.  I enjoyed the book for the first fifty or so pages, then it left me confused because I'm clearly a slowpoke. Even if this was a movie, I would get confused. To this day, I don't understand The Matrix, yes, don't hate me now. I finally got this book later though! This is a science fiction book, which usually isn't my taste - but I thought this was a good attempt of science fiction with romance. Sometimes the romance took away from the actual plot.
  • I'm not sure what the sequel of this book would be about because it does have somewhat of an ending and ding ding no cliffhanger! Even if you're not a huge fan of science fiction like me, this is an interesting concept to read about. The writing draws you in from the start. I'm definitely reading more into science fiction now, I cannot when the later installments of this series comes out.
Shukran for reading this! Leave your blog links in the comments & I'll be sure to check them out & follow :) Stay in tuned pretty creatures..

The winner for the previous Halloween giveaway for the Book Whisper is: Chene S. Congrats love! Don't despair, if you didn't win. There's lots more giveaways coming soon, infact here's one more Halloween giveaway for you guys :) This one is actually a finished hardcover copy too of this book.

-The more entries you enter for the giveaway below, the better. However, they are not required though - there is a free entry for everyone. 
Updated Note: Extended Giveaway now, ends November 18 at 12 a.m. 
-It is only for the United States, sorry!
-The winner will be selected randomly by Rafflecopter! 
-Please enter only from one email.
-The winner has 48 hours to reply, before I randomly chose another winner. 
Best wishes :)

Disclosure: Finished Review Copy was sent free of charge from Kaye Publicity in exchange for an honest review. The giveaway is being provided in behalf of the publisher as well, thank you.

“The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.” —Nicholas Sparks


  1. Such honest book review, the story line seems really interesting.
    Thank you!:)
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart

  2. Great review! I have never read sci-fi books myself, but I am always excited for a new Caudia Gray novel. Thank you for the great giveaway and for stopping by!
    Following you back GFC. :)

    Jess @ Jess Time To Read

    1. Agreed, I never read Science-fiction either, this was a nice change though :) x

  3. I'm quite looking forward to the sequel to this, the Evernight series got better as it went along :)

    Thanks for stopping by x

    1. So am I, I hope it's just as good as the first book :)

  4. The cover is gorgeous! I love it too :D I enjoy stories that include different dimensions, even if they are a bit hard to wrap your mind around. Thanks so much for following! New GFC follower - Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

  5. This seems like the kind of book that would have a huge cliffhanger! I might give it a try knowing that it doesn't.

    The cover is gorgeous - and it kind of matches your blog :-)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Aw thank you♥ I didn't realize it matches my blog until you told me .. hehe x

  6. I definitely agree about the cover -- stunning! Even with the bit of confusion, this sounds like a good book for me. I love the idea of science fiction PLUS romance! Thank you for the wonderful review, the Damon pic (<3), and the awesome giveaway!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow! Loved your comment! Have a wonderful weekend!
    A Belle's Tales

    1. It is a beautiful cover indeed, I'm going to check out more science fiction books now :) thank you so much love♥

  7. Just finished this one and really enjoyed it. So glad there's no cliffhanger!! But they still haven't stopped the bad guy -- so I'm looking forward to the next book. Love the cover too. New follower via feedly.

    1. Yes, that's true - I'm excited as well!♥

  8. Great review! I haven't read a book for fun in so long

  9. Hi, Benish!

    Thanks for following my blog!! I'm following you back now, too.

    I'm so happy you're having a giveaway of this book!! I've been wanting to read it, so maybe I'll get lucky and win it....who knows? Your review was very insightful, by the way; very objective, with very few spoilers.

    To answer your question, EVERYTHING about this book interests me! I'm a science fiction fan, so the whole concept ot different dimensions and parallel universes really intrigues me. And then, to have it be combined with romance.....WOW. If I don't win this book in your giveaway, I will definitely request a review copy from the publisher!!

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!!! : )

    1. Aw thanks so much :)

      Good luck though! You should really excited for this book, it was a really interesting book - I liked it especially the character Paul! I picked up this book because of him as well *giggles*

      I'm going to be reading more into science fiction now, I've been really missing out I realized, this is a trilogy so I cannot wait for the newer books to come out soon, which might take a year or two since this just came out. No problem though :)

  10. P.S. I think I'm going to feature this GORGEOUS cover in one of my future "Shelf Candy Saturday" posts, om my blog. : )

    1. Will be going to your blog to check it out! :D

  11. Hey Benish! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Congratulations! You can check out my post here :

  12. The cover is a real masterpiece! And the review is so great!!

    1. Thank you so much! The cover is beyond beautiful :)

  13. I am late to the party but did tweet
    I like time travel and dimension jumping

  14. I am so excited to read this one, great review!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  15. This sounds like a book I could definitely get into. I've heard a few different people say they really enjoyed it and I do like me some sci-fi books (especially time travel and parallel dimensions) so this definitely seems like it would be for me. Thanks for the giveaway and for the great review :)

    1. You're welcome :) Science fiction isn't usually my taste, but this was a nice attempt for it x

  16. It's understandable when you get a bit confused in a book, sometimes the descriptions don't quite click in your head, happens to me all the time!! lol Glad you liked it overall though, it sounds like one I'd enjoy.

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. Lol yeep I'm quite slow in this area, I'm sure you would like it too x

  17. Fabulous post

    Love Vikee

  18. Fabulous review, seems like a great book!

    I have now followed you on GFC, I would love for you to follow back!
    Keep in touch! Xxx

  19. Gorgeous cover! Love the sci-fi feel this book seems to have!

  20. I am a bit like you, I haven't ventured into the multiverses yet because I'm afraid of getting confused by all the universes and past and present people. But it sounds like you enjoyed it and the cover is beautiful! This author is coming to my town this week. I'm hoping to go to the signing. Great review!

    1. Yess! I'm glad I'm not the only one, thank you :) Hope you have fun at the signing!

  21. Ooh I just finished writing up my review of this book! I absolutely loved it! The cover is just... perfection, and I loved the idea behind the novel because yes, it is definitely original! I am glad you enjoyed it as well :3

    1. Indeed, it's a great novel - I cannot wait for the next installment in the series to come out! x

  22. I can't believe I'm only now discovering your blog?! Awesome review, I'm so glad you enjoyed this book!

    *moment of sadness because I don't live in the US*

    I followed you via GFC! Looking forward to your future posts.

    Ivana @ Bookish Teens

    1. Glad you found it now! Thank you :)

      & Aww I'm sorry :( I wish I could have hold an international giveaway, but U.S was preferred. You can always request an ARC from the publisher! x

  23. I follow you dear! Thanks for the visit!

  24. Your are so pretty!! I love Claudia Gray and so glad i found your blog to steal your beauty tips!! Claudias Spellcaster series was a fav of mine!!

    1. Aww thank you so much ♥ Her books are fascinating!

  25. I'm interested in this book because I love parallel dimension books, they're always so interesting because I love to think about all the possibilities!

  26. I'm interested bc it is a ya dystopian book and those are my favorites! :)

  27. Oh, Benish, I'm sorry I didn't come back right away to thank you! I didn't know you had already displayed the winner....Good thing I dropped by to check!!

    Well, better late than never, right? So THANK YOU so much for this great giveaway!! I am so happy I won this book, because I've been wanting to get it for quite a while now! Thanks again!! YOU ROCK!! : )

    1. You most welcome Maria :) Thank you for participating in this giveaway <3 I hope you enjoy reading this read.


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