Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Book Blitz: Snapped by Ketley Allison Excerpt + Giveaway!(International)♥

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

(The Snapped Series #1)
Ketley Allison

  • Publisher: Ketley Allison LLC 
  • (November 1, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • ASIN: B00O08P6MA
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Buy It: Amazon
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“We have someone who saw you struggling with the deceased before using that knife. Your best friend, and our eye witness.” In nine weeks Charlie Miller’s life goes from high-rolling perfection to a crypt of sin. All it takes is one night, one blade, and her boyfriend, best friend and new friends all either end up as suspects or dead. Nate Westcott, a pierced, tattooed, charismatic lawyer, is a man she can’t have—but a seductive danger she can’t ignore. He’s cocky, infuriating, brilliant and wrong, yet he makes her question whether she really is the good girl she wants to be or more like the selfish killer everyone thinks she is. And her body wants him in ways she’s not supposed to crave. As the weeks close in, cracks start forming in her everyday world of pro football golden boys, law school domination and New York City nightlife. Everyone she cares about is at risk because one of them doesn’t love Charlie back. In fact, they want her out of the way. Disposed of. Set up. One more step, and all Charlie has to do is fall through. Week 1 starts now."

Snapped is Ketley’s New Adult Contemporary series with all the romance you’d expect, but the killer—and lovers—that you don’t."

Ketley Allison began her career by writing books as birthday presents for her friends (with her friend as the main character and opposite a super sexy lead, of course) before ending it in order to walk down a path she thought she was supposed to follow.

The writing bug never left her--and, in fact, would often bleed into the official papers she was supposed to write--so now Ketley's putting down her suit and finally following her dream. While her friends are no longer the stars of her books, she still throws in bits and pieces of them into each and every one of her characters.

As a result, her books tend to focus a lot on friendships as well as love, because let's be honest, friends are what really get you through--especially when your epic love turns into epic heartbreak.

Learn more about Ketley by visiting her website at

Follow Her Twitter | Fan her Goodreads

Shukran for reading this! Leave your blog links in the comments & I'll be sure to check them out & follow :) Stay in tuned pretty creatures..

*The more entries you enter for the giveaway below, the better. However, they are not required though - there is a free entry for everyone. 
-Giveaways ends November 24. 
It is an international e-book contest.
 The winner will be selected randomly by Rafflecopter.
-The winner has 48 hours to reply, before I randomly chose another winner. 
-Please only enter from one email.
-I'm not responsible for sending the books, it's the publicist's responsibility.
Best wishes :)

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Disclosure: This giveaway is being provided in behalf of the author and publisher, thank you.


  1. Lovely post, looks like beautiful book :)

  2. Thank you, & sure, following you :) xo

  3. Thanks for your comment, your blog is great!
    I followed you on gfc too ;)

  4. The design of your whole blog is really pretty, girl! ♥
    I’m following you via gfc & look forward for your next post. You’re great – keep going! ♥

  5. hey u have a nice u wanna follow each other... follow me on GFC and let me know on by blog by leaving your URL....i will follow back immediately
    keep in touch

  6. This book sounds interesting. Followed you on GFC


  7. thanks for dropping by my blog!!!
    Followed you back on GFC, Instagram and bloglovin
    Sherina - ChocoChipChic.

  8. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and following! I’m now following you back on GFC. If you’d also like to follow each other on Bloglovin, follow me and I’ll follow right back :)

  9. This is a great giveaway! Moments before this I was just approved my request for this book on NG, so I can't wait to read it and see what it is like! Sounds promising though :3 And that cover is lovely!

    1. Thank you hun :) Hope you like it! I'm reading into it as well ♥


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