Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Click Date Repeat by K.J Farnham♥ Review + Giveaway!(INT.)

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Click Date Repeat
K. J. Farnham
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing 

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  •  (August 21, 2014)
  • ISBN-10: 1499656572
  • ISBN-13: 978-1499656572
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Adult

Purchase: Amazon  | B & N
Synopsis: These days, finding love online is as commonplace as ordering that coveted sweater. But back in 2003, the whole concept of Internet dating was still quite new, with a stigma attached to it that meant those who were willing to test the waters faced a fair amount of skepticism from friends and family. Such is the case for Chloe Thompson, a restless 20-something tired of the typical dating scene and curious about what she might find inside her parents’ computer. With two serious but failed relationships behind her, Chloe isn’t even entirely sure what she’s looking for. She just knows that whatever it is, she wants to find it.Based loosely on author K. J. Farnham’s real-life online dating experiences, Chloe’s foray into online dating involves a head-first dive into a world of matches, ice breakers and the occasional offer of d__k pics, all while Chloe strives to shake herself of the ex who just refuses to disappear. Will she simultaneously find herself and “the one” online, or will the ever-growing pile of humorous and downright disastrous dates only prove her friends and family right? There’s only one way to find out…

When I picked up this novel, I was so excited to read it! I really wanted to love it. I was hoping this could be a great book since it seemed to had everything I liked in a book. The cover, title, and premise sounded intriguing..  There aren't that many books about online dating, and I've read quite a few on it.. I read this book right away, I felt the beginning was promising and I enjoyed reading Chloe Thompson's adventures. 

  • Chloe hasn't had any success in relationships, so she tries online dating. I laughed along with her, and was creeped out when she was. Some adventures were hilarious, and others were just downright creepy. I liked this novel overall, I thought it was a refreshing concept and it was entertaining but some parts are flawed. It discusses many adventures some women encounter everyday. I also liked the dangers it mentions of online dating as well. I liked the friendship Chloe had with two of her best friends Jess and Shelly. It's always nice to see women supporting each other, instead of hating. The book did have it's good parts, but also the flawed parts.
  • Chloe Thompson is a teacher, she's intelligent and kind. However, I felt at a lot of times she was shallow and too extreme with her judgment. I understand physical looks do matter to a point - I felt she judged someone who didn't meet her expectations too easily though. I did like Chloe's maturity and growth in the end though, but it felt too late. I couldn't understand her. She became a better person and wasn't as picky anymore though.

  • I loved it when she realized she doesn't need to be in a relationship to be happy. I liked the message the novel gave. This novel falls into romance, but I feel it's also about a woman's journey to self-discovery. Sometimes, there too many guys in this story. I felt she ended up picking the wrong guys, and left the nice guys who could have been right for her hanging. 
  • I liked Sean the best out of all her potential matches, he was honest and told her everything from the start. Patrick was a bit loud, but charming, and quite kind as well. I was a bit disappointed with the ending though. The ending is an open note so let's see what happens next!
  • I liked the book overall. Click, Date, Repeat had a lot of potential although, it had its flaws. I loved the sense of humor in the novel, and the message it tried to portrayed. I enjoyed reading it as well. I do look forward to the sequel of this book though since the book ended on an open note.

K. J. Farnham
Author Bio

Born and raised in a suburb of Milwaukee, K. J. Farnham was an educator for 12 years. She holds a bachelor's degree from UW-Milwaukee and a master's degree from Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin. After relocating from Milwaukee to Hudson, Wisc., in 2011, Farnham became a freelance writer and resolved to complete her first novel. The storyline for "Click Date Repeat" is a result of her experiences (and mishaps) with online dating, through which she met her husband. Farnham lives with her husband, three young children and three cats. When she is not busy keeping up with her kids, she can be found reading or writing. A sequel to "Click Date Repeat" is in the works, and she plans to publish her next novel, "The Me I See," in the spring of 2015.

 Website | - Facebook | - Goodreads

The more entries you enter for the giveaway below, the better. However, they are not required though - there is a free entry for everyone. 
-It is an international ebook contest that ends on December 25!
-The winner will be selected randomly by Rafflecopter! 
-Please enter only from one email.
-The winner has 48 hours to reply, before I randomly chose another winner. 
Best wishes :)

Disclosure: Ebook was sent free of charge from the author via Lola Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. Giveaway is being held in behalf of them as well, thank you.

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."— Mahatma Gandhi


  1. This book looks like a fun read and I love your blog its so cute.:)

  2. Great blog :) Maybe want follow each other? If yes, just follow me and i follow you back :)

  3. Oooh... sounds like this book ended with you wantng more! Sounds really sweet and fun!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. It was a good read overall but had some flaws x

  4. Just crashed into your blog and I just love it! Very interesting!!

    I would really appreciated, if we could follow each other on BL and GFC!
    Just started following you and would be delighted if you could do the same!
    xoxo Colli // my blog - tobeyoutiful // Bloglovin'

  5. This sounds cute despite the flaws. Humor goes a long way with me :-)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. It was a cute book, but could've been better :)

  6. It's a shame this book had a few flaws which stopped it from being wonderful, but it's always good to know a book has potential! I like the idea of online dating as well. I recently read a retelling which touches on it called Cinder & Ella, which I'd strongly suggest to you!

    1. Thank you for recommending the book :) I have added it to my growing list lol <3

  7. Its nice to know why this book failed..
    Would u like2 follow each other n stay in contact??
    If so drop me a msg at

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