Victoria Aveyard
- Publisher: HarperTeen
- (February 10, 2015)
- Genre: Fantasy
- Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Nobles
- Source: Personal Purchase
- Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Mare, a common girl whose once-latent magical power draws her into the dangerous intrigue of the king's palace. Will her power save her or condemn her? Mare Barrow's world is divided by blood—those with common, Red blood serve the Silver- blooded elite, who are gifted with superhuman abilities. Mare is a Red, scraping by as a thief in a poor, rural village, until a twist of fate throws her in front of the Silver court. Before the king, princes, and all the nobles, she discovers she has an ability of her own.To cover up this impossibility, the king forces her to play the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons.
- As Mare is drawn further into the Silver world, she risks everything and uses her new position to help the Scarlet Guard—a growing Red rebellion—even as her heart tugs her in an impossible direction. One wrong move can lead to her death, but in the dangerous game she plays, the only certainty is betrayal.

- Red Queen is the most hyped novel right now, I really did want to like this novel as the concept was rather unique and different, well, it was until I read a similar novel called Red Rising.. Mare Barrow is a red-blooded, thief, and she resides in the village - however, she is discovered and is chosen to serve the king. We learn that she has supernatural abilities of her own, only people with silver blood have supernatural abilities. Well.. apparently, Mare has a combination of both red and silver blood! Not literally though, her blood is still actually red, however, she has supernatural abilities like the Silver elite. Her journey is just getting started afterwards.
- I wouldn't consider this a dystopian novel, the government is corrupt and divides the people with it's selection with blood, but supernatural abilities? This is more of a fantasy novel. Red Queen sounded like an average read when I first began to read it - I actually skimmed a lot of the pages. This has a cliche concept of the ordinary girl who somehow is special. Later, she sets out to save the world, and now everyone wants a piece of her. I do like cliche sometimes if the author can pull it off. However, the story didn't impress me. It didn't offer me anything unique about this novel, as I was reading it - I kept wondering I've read this before then it clicked. It reminds me of the Selection, and the concept of the red blood and rebellion reminded me of the series Red Rising. Both of the titles itself are about revolution, why red though? I like purple.
- I did like the character of the protagonist Mare Barrow.. for the most part. I did love her character when she's with her family. I thought she was strong, courageous, and quite hard headed sometimes. I did like that she fights for what she believes is right, although, she should re-think some of her choices more than once. She trusts people too easily. The romance was sweet, and I think this is actually the first book where I actually liked both the male characters. It does have a love triangle, but it's kept light and not extreme. Sometimes, the romance felt like a four square which was annoying .. Yes, don't ask. I couldn't decide who I thought she should end up with(like I have any say in it), I'm glad Mare does make her choice, although, it's not yet her true choice yet. I think love triangles are getting better in YA novels now, but I still dislike most of them.
- The fantasy aspect of Red Queen was amazing - I could literally imagine what was happening. This could make a good fantasy movie, I would really like to see the fantasy part live - the action was intense, and I couldn't wait to see what happened next. The power elements reminded me a bit of X-men. The actual plot of the novel is what fell short for me - I did enjoy the romance part of the novel, but I felt it was taking away from the actual action and plot. I thought the plot was slow and it bothered me .. a lot. The people planned, and planned of what they would do to rebel - I skimmed at that part, I needed MORE reasonable action. I didn't think the rivalry between Mare and Evangeline was necessary. I'm so over girls fighting one another just because they're jealous. It reminds me of high school drama. I don't like skimming in novels, it makes me lose interest in the actual book then. I did however finish the book, the last 20% of the novel is the BEST part of Red Queen. It's what saved the book for me, otherwise it would've been a big fail for me.
- Overall, I didn't love this novel, I am disappointed in it; it is an overrated novel. Maybe my expectations are too high.. but I like quality, and I can't help comparing it to some of the books of the past. It's as if it's a combination of all the novels I've read before, my rating is kind of generous, I wanted to give this a one at first. However, I thought about it and looked into the good as well - I liked the romance, fantasy/action, and the concept. I'm intrigued enough to see what happens next in the trilogy due to the stellar ending. Is Red Queen worth checking out? If you happen to like the Selection series, this would probably appeal to you - If you liked Red Rising, it probably won't. If you haven't read either series, then I could suggest checking this out for that epic ending alone. I'm not sure where I would fall, since I didn't fully like either one - yep I'm always the odd ball out *hides* although, I never finished Red Rising, but I'll give it another try now. I liked the original idea of Red Queen better in Red Rising.
Shukran for reading this! Leave your blog links in the comments & I'll be sure to check them out & follow :) Stay in tuned pretty creatures..
“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” —Nora Ephron
I still need to read this aghh! Thanks for the review! :) I actually have a love/hate relationship with love triangles, but I'm glad to hear that the love triangle here worked for you! And so did the romance, hurray! The concept DOES sound a little cliche :o I'm afraid of reading this book because of the massive hype (I don't want to be the black sheep though), but definitely reading this soon. Thanks for sharing! :D
ReplyDeleteJillian @ Jillian's Books
You welcome :) It does have an interesting concept, and it is worth reading even though it is quite cliche. Hoping to hear your thoughts on it soon.
DeleteI absolutely agree Benish! This book was definitely cliched, but I liked the fact that it was a well done cliche. Like you mentioned, the love-triangle was done well, and it didn't infuriate me which is a very good sign. Mare reminds me a lot of Katniss - another comparison - but she's also not as badass. There are many aspects I enjoyed, and many I didn't. The ending really did save the book, I really liked the twist! Wonderful review lovely xx
ReplyDeleteI agree, I happened to like the love triangle - It's one of the few books where I have liked both the male leads, the fourth guy wasn't really necessary though.. Thank you lovely, I'm glad you could relate to my review :) xo
DeleteThis is a fantastic review Benish, I totally agree with all of the parts of your review! It was so similar to Red Rising when I read the blurb, and absolute YES to a meaningful rebellion. I needed more passion and thought given to it you know? Instead, most of the plot was focused on the romance and Mare being integrated into the Silver Society. I do feel like it was hyped up too much and I found myself bored and skimming at times.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeann! I'm glad people thought similar to my review, I agree the passion was needed. The romance took away from the novel at times .. Hopefully the series turns around in the next book! :)
DeleteHmm I think this just ate my comment because I was logged into google and then I wasn't D: so I shall try again!
ReplyDeleteI have seen very mixed reviews for this one, and most people seem more disappointed by it than anything else. I'm sorry this wasn't memorable for the most part. I assume it's part of a series, so with any luck that last 20% that made the novel for you will carry on! :)
Aw, I'm glad your comment is back up again :) & yes, it's a trilogy. Let's see how the rest of the books turn out.
DeleteOH NO!!! Good but not great, bummer. This is on my TBR but I wasn't in a hurry to read it because sooooooooo many awesome reviews and that always makes me a little wary, you know? I hope the next book you read its STELLAR!!! *wink*
ReplyDeleteIt's worth checking out though - I've seen mixed reviews about it altogether, the ending is what appealed to me the most. Waiting to hear your thoughts on it :)
DeleteNailed it. I thought the Selection was ok and Red Rising brilliant. This ended up being just ok for me. The last 1/3 was the strongest so we shall see what book two delivers. Fantastic breakdown.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kimberly :) I agree, the last 20% was what saved the book for me. I do look forward to the next installment in the trilogy.
DeleteI did not like the romance at all. It just didn't feel genuine. I liked all the super power stuff and the plotting though. I liked it enough that I will continue the series, which is becoming a rarity it seems these days.
ReplyDeleteThat's disappointing the romance did not appeal to you, the ending was amazing though - hope the second book is better :)
DeleteThis is actually a book I really want to read, but its a shame you found it so similar to Red Rising in some aspects. It does sound more like a fantasy to me, and I am glad the ending redeemed the entire book a bit.
ReplyDeleteThe ending was the best part of the novel, I do hope the series does get better though. Waiting for your thoughts on it now :)
DeleteI definitely agree with the ending! I was like "WAIT DID THATJUST HAPPEN" I thought it was marvellous.
ReplyDeleteI actually gave this one five stars because it blew my mind, but I understand why others didn't like it.
I haven't read Red Rising but I heard from others that if I had, I would like this one less. I don't know if that's true or not and I'm glad you liked it enough for three stars.
Yes, the ending was quite epic! I didn't expect that AT ALL, it's what saved the book for me. A lot of people who have read Red Rising prefer that one over Red Queen.. I did like Red Rising a bit more though..
DeleteYou're right this one is very "hyped" up. And you're not the first person to say you were disappointed in it either. It has a good concept, and I was thinking about adding it to the TBR--but I'm going to pass.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know what you mean about going in with high expectations. But in my experience, if the novel is as good as the hype says, I will love it all the same. It does scare me though having expectations at all.
Great Review!
Thank you for stopping by - Sometimes, I try to lower my expectations since this is Young Adult, and I'm an Adult, but I can't help it because I've read some amazing YA novels in the past. You could try it though, maybe you might have a different opinion about it :)
DeleteLove triangle?! I think your review is the first one to point this out. Now, I don't know if I should read this. I do not like love triangles. When you said its similar to The Selection and Red Rising, I thought "Well, I haven't read either series so maybe I will like it." But then you say it has a love triangle. Why do you do this to me? But I love your review. Quite a lot actually. You said a lot about the book without spoiling and that takes talent so great job :)
ReplyDeleteHaha aww, yes I don't think a lot of blogs mentioned the love triangle because many readers run away from it. The love triangle is not that bad though, I actually liked it for once - the fantasy and ending is better. I understand what you mean about the spoilers - a lot of blogs mentioned the male leads name, and what supernatural ability Mare has. Even, she doesn't know what she's capable of, it spoils the book that way you know? .. Thank you for liking my review! :)
DeleteI am SO torn about this book for one BIG reason: I haven't read Red Rising yet, and I am so scared that this is going to somehow ruin it for me! (I am with you, I didn't finish Red Rising the first time I tried, but have heard too many good things not to try again!) The good thing is, I know to lower my expectations when I do read it! Great review, I am sorry you were disappointed though!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try again for Red Rising, I made it to chapter four and closed it - it's not as slow as Red Queen though. Waiting to hear your thoughts on this one! :)
DeleteI will read this book very soon so I guess I will see if this book is really good or only good for myself, I liked your review :D
ReplyDeleteThank you Alreem, waiting to hear your thoughts on it :)
DeleteI liked this one even less than you did. Love triangle (square) was annoying and immature, world-building was weak and author did not provide anything original.
ReplyDelete"I did enjoy the romance part of the novel, but I felt it was taking away from the actual action and plot. I thought the plot was slow and it bothered me .. a lot."
^^^This! I maybe did not enjoy romance, but I totally agree about romance being main focus and it hurted plotline a lot.
And you nailed it with saying that fans of Red Rising wont like Red Queen! I am the best example lol Great review :)
Lol aww, I know it's quite a cliche book - the fantasy part was great though ♥ I have yet to give Red Rising another try, I'm always the weird one who's on neither side. Thank you for dropping by love!
DeleteThe plot fell short with me too, it took me 5 days to read 59% of it (really bad for me) and I was just so bored with it that I didn't finish it. But that wouldn't have been too bad if I actually liked the characters (which I didn't) Mare felt really whiny to me, I did want to like her, but couldn't, and I found it all predictable. The way it went with Mare, the love triangle, the twist, just nope. Didn't like it at all.
ReplyDeleteAt least you finished it! :D
Mare was a bit weird at some parts, the concept of the novel was interesting; however, I agree it is a pretty cliche novel. i wish I had loved it.
DeleteAhhh I LOVE your blog design!! I really liked the concept. It was a bit cliché but that last fifth of the book was completely epic. The romance was pretty cute, but oh gosh all the betrayals!! Lovely review <33
ReplyDeleteAw, I'm glad one of us could enjoy it though, I'm glad you did <3
Delete& Oh, missed that I love your blog design part! *squeals* Thank you sooo much! ♥♥
DeleteThis one is very hyped!! I've been debating on reading it, it sounded really good. Sorry it was kind of disappointing. Hate it when a book doesn't live up to the hype! I liked the Selection series, but didn't LOVE it, so I may wait awhile on this one. Great review though! :-)
ReplyDeleteYou could always give it a try, it wasn't completely horrible. I would read the ending again hehe, I honestly loved that part :) Thank you ♥
DeleteI absolutely LOVED this one, I love blended dystopian fantasies and this is one of the best ones I've read. It's been done, but for me it took the best parts of several storylines and threw them all together, but it worked. Completely agree though, the last few chapters is what really made this one, total plot twist that I couldn't see coming. Lovely review and sorry you couldn't have enjoyed this one a little more <3
ReplyDeleteAw, I'm glad you enjoyed it though, the plot twist was the best part ♥ Thank you for dropping by, hope to see you again :)
DeleteOMG this book was incredible. I'm so glad you enjoyed this book and I do agree the end was what really hooked me on it and I couldn't stop reading more than halfway past the book.
ReplyDeleteAlex @ The Book's Buzz
Sounds like you enjoyed it ♥ The ending was epic though.
DeleteI still want to read it but I am tried of books only being good at the last part. What a waste.
ReplyDeleteI agree, endings can usually make or break the book.
DeleteI really wanted to buy this book based on the cover alone. :D However, I keep reading mixed to bad reviews and comparisons to The Selection and Red Rising. I haven't read either, but I'm planning to read Red Rising anway, so I think I'll just do that!
ReplyDeleteThe cover is beautiful ♥ The overall concept isn't as much though, waiting to hear your thoughts on it :)
DeleteI haven't actually read many positive reviews on this one! And now I'm not entirely sure if I will give it a go. I wasn't a big fan of THE SELECTION, so I might not be a fan of this one, either.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand main characters who are too trusting, because they get on my nerves. And love triangles annoy the heck out of me. There are just WAY too many of them. Maybe they were heart pounding once, but they have been done to death in my opinion. And the fact that the dystopian feel wasn't so great is also a shame! I want full on dystopian, not something that is subpar.
At least the last 20% raised the book for you, though! And the cover is simply divine.
Yes, most people who didn't like The Selection weren't too fascinated with this one. I agree, love triangles can be annoying - I liked this one since both male leads were good. Red Rising did a better job than Red Queen since the concepts are similar.
DeleteThank you for dropping by ♥
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