- Series: Throne of Glass(Book #2)
- Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens (August 27, 2013)
- Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
- ISBN-13: 978-1619630628
- Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Nobles
- Source: Personal Kindle Purchase
- *Note: The synopsis and review has mild spoilers for the previous novel.
- Synopsis: She is the greatest assassin her world has ever known. But where will her conscience, and her heart, lead her? After a year of hard labor in the Salt Mines of Endovier, eighteen-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien has won the king's contest to become the new royal assassin. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown – a secret she hides from even her most intimate confidantes. Keeping up the deadly charade—while pretending to do the king's bidding—will test her in frightening new ways, especially when she's given a task that could jeopardize everything she's come to care for. And there are far more dangerous forces gathering on the horizon -- forces that threaten to destroy her entire world, and will surely force Celaena to make a choice. Where do the assassin’s loyalties lie, and who is she willing to fight for?

- Unpopular opinion time so brace yourself - I won't be brutal about a series that everyone likes, neither will I rave about it though. This is more of a personal review. I do like the cover, it is beautiful and catchy. Crown of Midnight continues with Calena after she has won the king's contest, now she is the royal
assassinchampion. Yet, she still has secrets of her own. She is hiding things from everyone especially the king. Now, she is given a task that could ruin everything she has worked hard for. What will she choose? Now am I honestly the only one who did not like Crown of Midnight? I don't understand what's so special about this series: Throne of Glass. Maybe it's just me, because I have not seen ONE negative review about this book on Goodreads or even on Amazon. In the beginning when this series started to get popular, I didn't care for it. I started to see it everywhere, then the hype got to me and I finally caved in to try this series.
- I tried to like this book, I really did try guys because so many of my fellow bloggers demanded I read the next book in the series. I really wanted to love it, however, I guess when you want to love a book - usually the opposite happens. Crown of Midnight was kind of a disaster for me. The first installment Throne of Glass was average, I actually liked it more than this one though, TOG was still a fun read. Crown of Midnight really frustrated me, I wanted to chuck my kindle out the window. Many readers prefer this over the first book which baffles my mind.
- I disliked Dorian's character, he was like a love struck puppy who couldn't handle rejection from Celaena. It did make me pity him when Chaol and Celaena showed him attitude all the time. If I was a princess and someone talked to me in such a way, I would throw them in the dungeons. Actually.. not really, that's inhuman so I would just tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP and if they are rude again, I will kick them out of my palace. It's one thing to make a suggestion, but they're so harsh on him, and Dorian honestly does not deserve that. He is still a good person with a kind heart.
- I loved Chaol in the first book, but I don't like him anymore. I said I was Team Chaol Forever<3 You know, forever is a very long time.. I know what you're thinking.. Chaol, you sir, I hope you rot in hell. I didn't expect something so typical of the author, the plot twist was unnecessary. I would expect to see such a thing in New Adult novels.. The "plot twist" is just something to keep the story going, it shouldn't be there. I don't want to spoil what happened for people who haven't read it - most people have by now, but some haven't. I actually love plot twists, but only when they're executed well. I did like Celaena in this book sometimes, which is quite ironic because I hated her in the first installment. She does have character growth to her, and her hubris is not there as much anymore. She has learned to humble herself. I also liked when she was vulnerable, that was a pleasant surprise.
“It was like coming home or being born or suddenly finding an entire half of herself that had been missing.”
- I wasn't feeling the romance when the two characters I wanted to get together finally did together. Every guy is in love with her, uhm.. how can you love an assassin honestly? It's an inhuman profession. Yes, I understand she was wronged in her childhood, it's not like she likes to kill people, but that doesn't make me pity her. It doesn't change the fact that she's a murderer though. I'm surprised this book is about an assassin, but there are barely any assassinations, is that the author's way of telling me, Celaena has a change of heart? I don't buy it. It's not quite justified to put an amazing concept of an assassins, and there is barely any action.
- I would have liked it more if Celaena was an assassin and she OWNED that, if she worked with that such as Ismae did in Grave Mercy. Celaena's childhood was saddening, but that doesn't justify what a killer she actually is. Many times, I felt I was given justifications for why things are the way they are. I feel like the reasons to like the character is being shoved in my face. In my own version of TOG I would have made Caleana pure evil with no sob story to justify her. She would still kill sure, but for the right reasons now. Kinda like Dexter, you know? Yes, I know murder is never right(except self-defense), but in novels/movies usually the bad guy goes down and everyone is happy about it.
- This is more action packed than the first installment though, but I found it quite.. BORING. I skimmed a lot in this novel, and when I start skimming, I know it's not meant to be. I did finish this whole novel though, the ending was actually unique - however, it's not enough for me to make me continue this series. It did feel a little rushed, and I'm just thinking over here, is that another plot twist that is supposed to make me like the story? A lot of people consider Sarah J. Maas the "queen." Honestly, why though? I disagree, I've read books about assassins before and they're better such as, His Fair Assassin. The queen of fantasy is J.K Rowling, it's not nice to put someone on her level. She's original, she made fantasy what it is today.
- I pre-ordered Mass' new novel A Court of Thorns and Roses, but now I'm not sure if I want to read it now.. I'm still excited for it though, I'll still buy it alone for that stunning cover. I believe in giving an author another opportunity, so let's see. I don't see the hype about this series TOG though, it lacks depth for me. I can't connect with any of the characters and the actual content is quite boring. The dialogue is still witty and cute, but not better than the dialogue in TOG. So long Throne of Glass, you had potential to be a masterpiece, but it was nice knowing you. I won't be continuing you.
Recommended for fans of His Fair Assassin, The book of Ivy, and The Hunger Games.
Shukran for reading this! Leave your blog links in the comments & I'll be sure to check them out & follow :) Stay in tuned pretty creatures..
“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” —Nora Ephron
Nooooooo. You were my last hope, you know? I was thinking if Benish Khan likes the second book and thinks it deserves a chance, then I'm willing to give it a try. I guess it didn't turn out that way... Therefore, I take that whole dramatic "noooo" part back. I'm not really upset. I find that I can trust your review since we both had the same thoughts on TOG. From your review, all the reviews I've read, and from knowing my own personal tastes well enough to know when a series would be a hit or miss, I'm officially announcing that I'm going to pass the TOG series. I'm going to cute it loose and not waste any more time on it because I am 100% done with the pressure of having to spend any more time on this series. I KNOW I won't like the TOG series from either a critical point of view or personal enjoyment. Both of these are important to me.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, onto your review. Yep, I heard Chaol became a douche. And also, I think it's obvious that Celaena is fae, right? She has some identity crisis and something like that.
"I would have liked it more if Celaena was an assassin and she OWNED that, she worked with that such as Ismae did in Grave Mercy. Celaena's childhood was saddening, but that doesn't justify what a killer she actually is. Many times, I felt I was given justifications for why things are the way they are." THIS. Simply in general, I will say that there are assassin books with romance THEN there are romance books with assassins. To me, there really is a huge difference.
"In my own version of TOG I would have made Caleana pure evil with no sob story to justify her. With time, she would learn goodness. She would still kill sure, but for the right reasons now. Kinda like Dexter, you know?" Personally, I prefer bad guys who do bad things just because they can. That I can believe. I don't prefer bad guys who do bad things because they have a sob story. With the exception of Dexter. Dexter is awesome.
I was excited for A Court of Thorns and Roses back when I hadn't read Throne of Glass. Now... well, I'm still excited because the reviewers I know (who didn't like her TOG series) like this new book, so that kept my faith. Hopefully, I will like her new novel. Hopefully.
Cee @ The Mistress Case
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Cee! I had read your review on Throne Of Glass, and I was quite happy to see someone share similar thoughts on it. I honestly thought I was the only one because I had not seen even ONE negative review about it! ♥
Delete& Yes I believe Calaena is a fae.. LOL at identity crisis, imagine her going from assassin to heir all the sudden, the concept is taking the wrong turn now. I am still excited for A Court of Thorns & Roses, alot of people I trust with review have liked it as well! I have pre-ordered it, but I did change the order from hardcover to paperback in case I don't like it as much. I do hope we both enjoy this one!
Oh noooooo Benish! This makes me super sad that you didn't enjoy Crown of Midnight, it sounds like all of the raves really had you disappointed. Celaena is somewhat of a conflicted character because of a profession she is good at, which is why I like her so much. She's kick ass, she can be a girl, but she's not your typical heroine because typically what she does is bad. A shame about Chaol though, I do love him so. Thanks for your honest opinion <3 I really do hope you enjoy ACOTAR.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeann ♥ & Yes, I do agree - Celaena does have a bit of an identity crisis throughout the series. I hope I do enjoy ACOTAR, the concept is pretty amazing and I hope it is as wonderful as it sounds!
DeleteIt's okay that you didn't like it! I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone. There is a pretty complicated world and characters and it can even be pretty dark at times, not to mention the detail! I love it but I can appreciate that it isn't for everyone. ;)
ReplyDeleteWonderful, thoughtful review. ;)
Yes, it's not a series for everyone - people can have different tastes in books. Thank you ♥
DeleteWhile I think these books are pretty good, I do think they are overhyped. I wasn't OVERLY impressed with them. Like sometimes when I read a book, I love it so much and I want to tell every single person about it. Recently, I did that with Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman, and am currently doing that with Kiss of Deception. I didn't do that with those. I have hope for Sarah J. Maas's new book - A Court of Thorns and Roses. I'm not one for fairytale retellings, but I follow her pinterest boards for the book and they look very interesting :)
ReplyDeleteIt is a pretty hyped series - I mean the concept is pretty fantastic but I just find this is a more romantic series, and less of an action and adventurous series. I hope ACOTAR is as wonderful as it sounds, thank you for your thoughts♥
DeleteOh noes sorry you didn't like it. But you know what, just because we are book junkies we can't be expected to love EVERY popular series. Otherwise, we wouldn't be unique :D I'm not all that interested in reading this series, myself. The MC sounds like a Mary Sue and would most likely have myself rolling my eyes in frustration. I am so psyched to read A Court of Thorns and Roses, however. It has such an intriguing synopsis and girl, that cover makes my heart skip a beat. I want to marry that cover lmao!
ReplyDeleteYES, totally agree with you. Not everyone can love the same book, which is why we have several book bloggers and reviewers & LOL at Mary Sue. She's not that bad sometimes but she is very annoying.
DeleteHaha I do agree, the cover of her latest series is pretty stunning! ♥
I haven't read this one yet, but it's on my list. I'm sorry it didn't live up to the hype for you (I find that happens a lot :/ ) hopefully the next book you pick up by Maas does, otherwise her work just isn't for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to check out her new series soon, hope that one is as amazing as it sounds! ♥
DeleteEven though I enjoyed this one overall, absolutely LOVE your review Benish. Passionate and I can feel your disappointment jumping off the page. I actually agree with so much you've said, especially the typical young adult prose and the plot twists not all that surprising. I think the assassin hung up her sword in that regard before she was introduced in book one, she shows snippets of bad assery, but I think the mines changed her. Wonderfully honest and well thought out review Benish, loved it <3
ReplyDeleteHehe, YAY I'm so glad you could love my review<3 & Yes, I realized that she no longer considers herself as an assassin when the first book started. I'm glad you could enjoy it Kelly! ♥
DeleteI have not read Throne of Glass, yet. But, so many people rave about it. I get this feeling that it's gonna disappoint me. Great review though!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jazmen ♥
DeleteOh no, such a shame you didn't like it! I do want to try this series as well because the hype has me intrigued. But I suppose it isn't for everyone :( It seems like the key thing that ruined this book for you were the characters and their actions. Basically, this is how I felt when reading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins >.>
ReplyDeleteI wasn't the biggest fan of Mockingjay, I do love the first and second book in the series though ♥
DeleteI still haven't read this one, but I'm sorry to read it wasn't for you. It does happen, sadly. At least you gave it a try! Now I'm very curious as to what Chaol does or what happens with him... Because, like you, I loved in him the first book! I also hate when the action within the book gets boring. I am definitely going to read this one, I have to see what happens! But I enjoyed your honest review, though I am sorry to hear this one just didn't work for you.
ReplyDeleteGreat review!
Yes, atleast now I know what to expect from this series - Thank you for your thoughts Magen ♥
DeleteI still haven't read the third book and I hope to do so soon. I do like this series because it is something different in YA. I can understand though why it isn't for everyone. The romance for sure is frustrating. I appreciate your honest opinion. I suggest you move on and skip it. I had the same reaction to Shatter Me. I did not like it all.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm probably to skip the next installments in the series now.
DeleteThe hype also got to me and I bought the first book and then DNF'd it because it wasn't holding my attention and was so slow. I hear everyone saying this book is better, but nope sorry I am not giving this series another try. And that plot twist in this book sounds like the wrong kind of plot twist. I think having an assassin as main character can be hard, the character still has to be likable, but I usually still want them to be a real assassin and own it. I am looking forward to hear what you think of A Court of Thorn and Roses, I wanted to read it at first, but I think the autor's writing style isn't for me, so I probably won't. But it is a different series and it's interesting to see if people who don't like one series do like the other. Great review!
ReplyDeleteYes, I disagree with the people who are saying this book is better. I actually preferred the first installment: Throne of Glass more - although, that one wasn't as great either. Thank you Lola♥
DeleteOh noessss..I love this series..but as this story progresses it is moving more towards high fantasy and by book three I was deliriously giddy..but its not for everyone. I think and I may be wrong ..but Ashley from Nose Graze didn't like it either..so you are not alone
ReplyDeleteI'm glad there are more people out there who didn't like it as well, I'm not the only one finally.
DeleteWow, that's really too bad. Yeah, not many bad reviews out there for this one, but hey, everybody can't love it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping by Jennifer ♥
DeleteReally did not enjoy this series at all. So much so that I didn't bother reading Crown of Midnight. Caelana sounds so cocky in the first book, but to me, she was all talk and no action. That's just me, though. *ducks from flying tomatoes*
ReplyDeleteLOL we're both ducking from tomatoes, I don't understand the hype about this series though.
DeleteWell. On one hand, I am scared now. I mean, I liked Throne of Glass, though I didn't really understand all the flailing. Now, I hear that "OMG you will LOOOOOVE Crown of Midnight", so I buy it. And Heir of Fire, because who doesn't love bankruptcy, right? But now... yeah, I am scared. Although, I DID love The Book of Ivy and The Hunger Games so... maybe that will help? But good for you for not just reading it because of all the hype! I will now direct you to my black sheep post ;)
ReplyDeleteShannon @ It Starts At Midnight
Aaaah, some people I know didn't like the first book, but they loved Crown of Midnight - maybe you might? Haha I love your Black Sheep post ♥
DeleteIt is a shame you didn't enjoy this one, because I have been enjoying it. I do understand your issues, there were a few things that annoyed me, but overall, I liked it. Great honest review though.
ReplyDeleteNaomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
Thank you Naomi ♥ Atleast one of us liked it.
DeleteSorry you didn't like this book and hope your next read will be a great one :D
ReplyDeleteI hope so too ♥
DeleteYES!!! OMG. FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME. I don't get why so many people absolutely adore this either Benish. Sure, it's not absolutely horrible, but is it the next "big thing" like some people seem to think it is? I honestly don't know. But so many of your thoughts are spot on. The twists here were a bit predictable, and it was annoying how Celaena continually claimed to be an assassin when she hasn't killed anyone in two entire books. *snorts*
ReplyDeleteAnd I think you've made a wise choice not continuing if you didn't enjoy the first two books; because the third is probably the worst in the series IMO. :|
Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous review! ♥
AAHHHH, YES! *WAILS* I'm so glad there are more people out there who share similar thoughts on it & I agree the assassin aspect is great, but it's not fully executed in this series which is exactly why it fails for me. Thank you Zoe! ♥
DeleteTo be honest, I don't see the hype either... I read Throne of Glass around the time it came out, thought it was okay (the beginning of a love triangle was distasteful though). This book, Crown of Midnight, is my least favorite in the series. I hated the romance, and Celaena's whiny attitude. Get a grip, girl. Heir of Fire was better - she was really slapped into shape, mentally/emotionally at least. I'll be reading Queen of Shadows for sure, but again, I don't see the hype, and I'm not dying over this series like a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteExcellent review, Benish!
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Yes, you have mentioned before it Alyssa - I just don't see the hype of this series. I thought the first book was better as well and the love triangle bothered me as well. Thank you!
DeleteWow, I think you are the only person I know who didn't like it. But that's ok, I think you made some valid point about why you didn't like it. Some of the things you said, make me look at certain scenes differently. If you were going to continue, I'd be curious to see what you'd said about Heir of Fire since it was really nothing like the first two books. But *shrugs* eh.
ReplyDeleteI do want to read His Fair Assassin and Grave Mercy, it sounded like you liked those books a lot better. I'll have to give them a try soon.
Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books
I really liked Grace Mercy from the His Fair Assassin, I thought it was very different & pretty fantastic overall.
Delete& Aaah, let's see. I'm dropping the Throne of Glass series for now since I have lost interest. Maybe a few months later, I might give up Heir of Fire - let's see.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you didn't like it. :( Shame! But, not everyone has the same taste, right? Valid reasons for not liking it. I hadn't read much Fantasy in a few years before reading it, so I loved it and it did get me back into it. I still need to read The Book of Ivy (which I've heard tons of good from, so yay, I'll probably love it) I think it's good if you don't like it to stop here, considering Heir of Fire is more character driven (and it is pretty long) though we do get other badass characters perspective. Glad you're being honest about one you don't like. :)
ReplyDeleteYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, I didn't like it :) & I agree, I haven't read much of fantasy before. I did read a lot in high school and in my first year of college. Then I left it and read more of literary fiction.. I've only started the end of last year - Thank you for dropping by Kristy ♥
DeleteAwww, I am SUPER sad that you didn't like this one, but I perfectly understand because not every book will please everyone, this book included. If you were bored with this one, you'll be bored even more to death with Heir of Fire because I thought it was even longer and even more dragged out. Hope ACOTAR will be able to impress you! I haven't read that yet but the hype has been insane @.@
ReplyDeleteFaye at The Social Potato
Aww, yes I did want to like this series, but unfortunately, it was not for me. ACOTAR does sound pretty wonderful though, the hype is crazy I agree! I hope it lives up to everyone's expectations.
DeleteAw man, I'm suddenly getting second thoughts on starting this series lol. I don't really get the hype since I haven't read a single book, but the honest review is much appreciated. :D
ReplyDeleteAaah, you might like it though? I'm just the minority who doesn't :)
DeleteAww so sad you didn't like it Benish, but I appreciate your opinion as well. Not everyone can love every single book out there, and I am often the black sheep for many books so I totally understand where you are coming from. Better to spend your time on books you do love rather than ones you don't ;)
ReplyDeleteI agree, I rather read books I would end up loving<3 Thank you for dropping by Joy, I'm still excited for the author's upcoming release though!
DeleteI'm sorry you didn't like it, especially since this is one of my absolute favorite series. But it's also somewhat funny to see a bad review. You know, just to mix it up a bit. :) I hope you enjoy your next read a bit more though. :)
ReplyDeleteAha, I know. I love reading negative reviews as well, they tend to stand out more in the positive ones a lot of the times ♥
Deletethanks to admin who has been providing the latest information that makes us be increased insight and new knowledge that is wide enough, of course, this makes us become more knowledgeable
ReplyDeleteobat gondok beracun tradisional
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cara menyembuhkan tbc kelenjar
cara alami menyembuhkan tbc tulang
cara menyembuhkan kanker kelenjar ludah
oobat tradisional abses kulit
cara menyembuhkan kulit melepuh
obat kencing manis
Honestly, I don't really enjoy the second book....
ReplyDeleteIs it only me that think her writing style is way "TOO" dark and intense... ;/
and I get tense reading the entire book ( not even a relaxing moment...)
;( it always brings my mood down when I pick up the book and read
sorry, but I have to say I find it hard to enjoy it.