Friday, September 12, 2014

How to Clear up your Skin with Natural Remedies + Skin routine! (requested)

Friday, September 12, 2014

I have weird combination skin. It can be really oily to the point where I look like an oil factory or to the point where it gets so dry, it becomes flaky like snowballs.

 I feel the most comfortable without makeup, and I know a lot of women who cannot go a day without makeup without feeling insecure.. You don't need makeup to feel and look pretty - If you naturally feel good about yourself, then the rest just comes with it. 

This can happen by taking care of your skin, and you'll realize you would only need minimum makeup. This post is about natural remedies, so it doesn't include everything I use. Non-natural skincare products I use are Neutrogena GrapeFruit Scrub, I have been using that since I was in high school and Biore nose strips for blackheads and pores. 

 Hope this helps x

1) WA T  E R 

I think that's the best thing made for skin and nutrition. drink atleast 4-5 water bottles a day, there's a always a water bottle with me at all times. Even when I'm not thirsty, I still drink water to stay hydrated and fresh. Try vitamin water if you don't regular water. Try steaming water when you're in the shower. I put my face out there for the warm to mild hot water. It opens up your pores, and you can really clean them up right away afterwards.

2) T H A Y E R S  W I T C H  H A Z E L
It is my favorite natural remedy out there. They are so refreshing and amazing for cleaning skin and pores. It is similiar to rose water. My personal favorites are Rose Petal and Lavender. I use this about 4-5 times most days - morning, afternoon, evening, night and also after I take off my makeup. 

Other times when I'm busy and outside, I use it atleast twice. My pores use to be massive before, and this has made a huge difference in my skin! I've been using it for atleast 6 months now. This can be purchased on, Amazon, iherb and pharmacy stores.

3) D R .  W O O D S  C L E A N S E R 
I use this in the morning and at night time. It can be a bit stingy if you have acne skin, but it works really nice to refresh and clean your skin. It prevents break outs, and benefits your skin a lot.

4) L E S S  M A K E U P
I don't wear makeup at all times, most of the time I'm bare face. As soon as I come off from either school, work, or a night out - I remove my makeup right away, even if it's the middle of the day. I don't like chilling at home with a cake faced. 

For me, I'm more comfortable without makeup. I would suggest to leave heavy foundations and contouring for a special day, and not an everyday look. My everyday look is tinted moisturizer, concealer, blush, mascara, and vaseline. I don't wear foundation on a regular basis. Too much makeup and different use of makeup applications can break you out. Never sleep with your makeup on.

5) E A T   L I M I T E D  C H O C O L A T E

.. I know that is probably the most difficult thing to do. I'm on a chocolate diet for a year now, the last time I craved and ate chocolate was 4 months ago. I love chocolate, but it's not healthy for my skin and can cause break outs. 

It mainly depends on your skin though. Too many sugary sweets can lead to acne, but there is very little evidence stating chocolate itself causes acne. Allow yourself cheat treats every 2 months if you want to try this, and don't take more than two chocolate pieces! It's hard, but it has worked for me.

6) H E A L T H Y  D I  ET
I don't have a regular diet besides the chocolate diet. There's only so much that you can cut back on. I love junk food especially messy and unhealthy chicken burgers, but I do love eating cesarean salad with chicken strips - its amazing and has the perfect balance. Other times, I eat salad a lot with other meals. I eat a lot of fruits especially pomegranates, and mangoes. With vegetables, I only like spinach.

7) B I O  O I L 

I always use this right before I sleep. I leave it on overnight. i have been using this for more than a year. It had made a pretty huge difference in my skin. My skin is much more brighter and refreshing looking. My freckles are more dimmed now. This can be purchased from Amazon or a regular pharmacy store.

5) P R A T I M A  S K I N C A R E

All of their products are nice - they're specially made from rich and healthy ogranic herbs. They can be purchased from I use their moisturizer in the morning and whenever my skin needs a bit hydration.

Thank you for reading as well. Leave your blog links in the comments & I'll be sure to check them out & follow :) Stay in tuned beautiful people..  

*Disclosure: Thayers, Dr. Woods, and Pratima Skincare products had been sent for review in the past free of charge, but are in no way influencing my review.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”  ― Oscar Wilde

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  1. Great tips! I have the same problem with my skin, sometimes it`s so oily that you can deep fry a chicken and after a week it becomes extremely dry. I will try the witch hazel remedy, seems to do wonders.

    1. Thank you, and you should! Let me know how it goes :) x

  2. this is great, nice tips!

  3. Great tips! Thanks for sharing :)
    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know <3

  4. I don't agree with cutting chocolate. Eating chocolate has nothing to do with bad skin. It's a myth that has been busted for a long time. Otherwise, awesome tips! :-)

    1. It mainly depends on skin type, some chocolates have nuts that aren't healthy. Thank you though :)

  5. Great tips and lovely post.

    Love Vikee

  6. Rose water and Lavendar always smell divine. Great post, I'm always looking for a more natural beauty regime... thanks for sharing :D

  7. I've tried Bio Oil and it's worked wonders for me. It clears off stubborn acne marks within 2-3weeks of use. I wouldn't suggest using it everyday or for a prolong amount of time, all at once, only because it can make the skin sensitive and slightly irritated. But that's in my experience. But the water consumption and diet limits are wise choices. Your skin is what you make it.

    1. I've used it regularly, it has helped my skin amazingly. Thank you :)

  8. Great tips... I've been meaning to try bio oil.. now I will :D

  9. Great tips and thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Too bad about the freckles though, I think they're cute :)

  10. Hi Benish.

    Love this post totally aggree with the chocolate and sugary foods, When I go on sugar binge I'm aware that I have to deal with the break out for the next few dates. Moaning comes with it lol.

    I love your blog too and thank you for your Kind words on my blog. The brown girls and brown boys blog post gave me a a giggle.

    Yeah Love to stay in touch.

    MLFx | May la Faye


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