Paula Brackston
- Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books;
- First Edition (April 21, 2015)
- ISBN-13: 978-1250028792
- Genre: Fantasy, Literary Fiction
- Pre-order: Amazon | Barnes & Nobles
- Source: Giveaway Prize via Shelf Awareness and Thomas Dunne Books. Thank you Angelique.
- Synopsis: A year after her husband's sudden death, ceramic artist Tilda Fordwells finally moves into the secluded Welsh cottage that was to be their new home. She hopes that the tranquil surroundings will help ease her grief, and lessen her disturbing visions of Mat's death. Instead, the lake in the valley below her cottage seems to spark something dormant in her - a sensitivity, and a power of some sort. Animals are drawn to her, electricity shorts out when she's near, and strangest of all, she sees a new vision; a boatful of ancient people approaching her across the water. On this same lake in Celtic times lived Seren, a witch and shaman. She was respected but feared, kept separate from the community for her strange looks. When a vision came to her of the Prince amid a nest of vipers she warned of betrayal from one of his own. Prince Brynach both loved and revered her, but could not believe someone close to him wished him harm, even as the danger grew. In her own time, Tilda's grief begins to fade beside her newfound powers and a fresh love. When she explores the lake's ancient magic and her own she discovers Seren, the woman in her vision of the boat. Their two lives strangely mirror each other's, suggesting a strong connection between the women. As Tilda comes under threat from a dark power, one reminiscent of Seren's prophecy, she must rely on Seren and ancient magic if death and disaster are not to shatter her life once more.

- Tilda is a widow and a witch, she moves to a cottage after her husband Mat's death. Soon, she comes across a lake that brings out her powers more, she sees visions a lot more now. Previously, on the same lake a witch by the name of Seren lived - she was the prince's adviser and lover. Soon, Tilda discovers she shares a bond with Seren, they're connected in some way - she must rely on Seren's prophecy and magic to overcome the disaster that is approaching her..
- How STUNNING is that cover though?! I love the hairstyle, and I really love the woman's silver-blonde hair. The cover was the first thing I noticed, the title being the second. I believed I showed the cover to my sister about five times who was annoyed that I kept disturbing her. The title is pretty catchy too, silver hair so The Silver Witch? I was really into reading books about witchcraft in high school, but then I left fantasy behind and read more into literary fiction. I still like reading fantasy, it's one of my favorite genres. It took me about two chapters to get into the book.. I read the first chapter, and I closed it because I was in a reading slump. I picked up this book later on the week and I tried once more to read it because the premise sounded exciting, I'm glad I did because I did like this book.
- Tilda and Seren are both witches, yet they're somehow connected.. Tilda is a woman from modern times, and Seren is from the 900 's Celetic A.D. The Silver Witch is told from two point-of-views through third person. It ranges from past and present. Both of the women are albino hence their extremely light hair, pale blue eyes, and lack of pigmentation skin. However, they're witches though. The aspect of albinism was quite unique, I actually haven't heard of that in novels before. I liked Tilda's character more because she had more human characteristics about her. She was kind and merciful to animals. Seren is more fearless, her character is more intriguing though - she's Prince Brynach's adviser and later his lover. I believe I like Seren less because she had an affair with a married man, she was the "other woman" in his life - I can't connect with that despite whatever feelings she might have for the Prince Brynach. Their romance was more interesting to indulge in though. Although, the dialogue was a bit cheesy and eye rolling. Tilda has her fair share of romance as well, but it wasn't as memorable for me. It wasn't as developed as I would have liked it to be. His name was Dylan, and I never really connected with his character.
- I loved how the author used imagery and her writing is addicting. The world-building plot was great, although, it didn't blow me away. However, it is appealing and I did like it. The fantasy element of the novel was great as well. The pace in the beginning does lag a lot and it was boring, but it began to pick up it's pace about 30% into the novel, it did begin to move forward once it reached the actual plot. The ending to Tilda's story was a bit confusing sometimes, I'm not sure I understood it correctly because too much was happening at the same time. That could be mainly because I'm a slow case with fantasy actually, it's hard for me to imagine the details for something that doesn't exist in reality. Seren's ending to her story was spectacular though. Although, Tilda has more role in this novel - it's clearly Seren's story. The novel does have plenty of potential, so I would rate The Silver Witch 3.5 butterflies.
- Shukran for reading this! Leave your blog links in the comments & I'll be sure to check them out & follow :) Stay in tuned pretty creatures..
I definitely agree with you about that cover! It caught my eye the moment I saw it. And the title is also pretty eye-catching, too. It makes me want to know WHY the book is called that.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of Tilda, because I can relate so much to people who love animals. I'm definitely not keen on the affair that Seren takes part in. I hate cheating in any shape or form, so I know I wouldn't like that aspect.
I find albinism quite fascinating, and I'm interested in seeing how the author incorporates it into the story!
Lovely review, Benish :D
The first thing I noticed was the cover as well, I cannot get over how STUNNING it actually really is :)
DeleteThe albinism aspect was great as well, it's a good book overall with some unique twists. Thank you Chiara! I hope you enjoy this one once you pick it up! ♥
Oh yeah, the cover is gorgeous! I was pretty fascinated with witches as well, although I don't think I read a lot of it back then, I was mostly on a vampire and zombie phase lol. Anyway, I can understand why a character that is the other women would turn you off because I despise cheating and just stay away from books pike it. This is not focused on that storyline and the plot is pretty interesting, and definitely does sound that it has plenty of potential! Great review, Benish :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I agree with you - I used to be in love with vampires and witches mostly, now I barely read books with that kind of fantasy anymore - although, lately I'm getting more into them. Thank you Amir ♥
DeleteYou're right, the cover is so pretty! (And the hairstyle agh I WANT TO STEAL IT.) The title does sound catchy as well :) I'm glad you enjoyed this book, although it's pretty bumming to see that it lags a lot and the plot is slow-paced at first. Thankfully, it catches up, right? Great review! I might want to check this out soon :)
ReplyDeleteJillian @ Jillian's Books
Thank you for stopping by Jillian ♥ & yes, I actually really love this cover - the book is a bit slow at first, but then it does catch up, it does have a great plot though :) Hope you enjoy this one!
DeleteThis sounds like a decent read - almost as if there are some parts which might be worth improving but some that should stay the same. I am completely in love with that cover though. It's gorgeous! I think this sounds like a decent read. Witches of course <3
ReplyDeleteYes, that cover is beyond stunning - the plot was quite interesting overall. I enjoyed it for the most part!
Deletethis book sound interesting :) I'm planning to check it out soon.. thanks for sharing and lovely review
ReplyDeleteThank you Alreem ♥
DeleteI do love the cover, but I agree, I can't connect with the "other woman."
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by Jennifer ♥
DeleteYes! My first thought was about how gorgeous her hair is on the cover. Ah, but cheesy dialogue? Blah. It still sounds interesting though.
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping by Christy ♥ The cover is GORGEOUS.
DeleteThat cover definitely is beautiful, I wish I could do my cover like that! I don't think I've read many books about albinos as well, especially when there are witches involved. Too bad about the laggy pace at the start, but I'm glad it kind of sped up and you ended up enjoying it. Great review Benish!
ReplyDeleteThe cover is quite beautiful, the pace does lag here and there, but it does have potential though. Thank you Jeann ❤️
Deletethis one sounds great !! i like it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by ❤️
Deletethat cover really IS beautiful.. or maybe it's the hair. I like that the world building is good and the writing, addicting. I like how it tackles albinism. Too bad the characters weren't very relatable. Glad you still enjoyed it though. Great review! :)
ReplyDeleteczai @ the Blacksheep Project
The plot and story were quite interesting though, I did enjoy it for the most part, thank you Czai ❤️
DeleteDoesn't sound like anything that I want to run for even though the synopsis sounds pretty convincing. But if I can't connect with the characters, I can't connect with the book.
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping by Jazmen ❤️
DeleteI'd never heard of this book before but I agree with you that the cover really grabs your attention and draws you in^^ The fact that it deals with albinos is definitely something fresh, I've never come across that theme in my reading anyway. The characters and plot seem promising enough, but the cheesy dialogue worries me a bit. All the same, thanks for putting this one on my radar Benish and wonderful review :) xx
ReplyDeleteMicheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews
It is a different kind of witches tale, the albinism aspect was quite fascinating and unique in the novel. I did enjoy the book for the most part, even though it does lag here and there - Thank you Micheline :)
DeleteI agree, you cannot not fall in love with such a beautiful cover. I love how "soft" it feels, and that hair color is absolutely stunning (not to say I'm ashamed of my black hair, but the silver-blonde is something else, yeah?). I haven't read much of albinos in novels, too, although there was a YA one a while back that dealt with introvertness in his new boarding school. The Tragedy Paper it was, I think. You can check that out if you feel like reading a male albino's perspective!
ReplyDeleteFaye at The Social Potato
Thank you Faye for your lovely thoughts :) & Lool I agree, the silver-blonde hair is something unique. I don't believe I've ever seen this natural color on someone in reality. Thank you for putting another book on my radar though, I hope to check it out sometime soon :)
ReplyDeleteThe premise of this one does sound really good. And I love authors who use a lot of imagery, and addictive writing! Despite the lagging pace at the beginning, I might have to give this one a try!
ReplyDeleteLovely review!
I hope you enjoy this one more than me then :) Thank you <3
DeleteThe cover is so gorgeous. I just adore it. I totally want her hair too ;) The concept sounds pretty cool, but I don't know, if it is not that exciting, I don't know how invested I will be. Great review!!
ReplyDeleteShannon @ It Starts At Midnight
I have mixed thoughts on this book, it's not as exciting as I thought it would be but the plot is very interesting though. Thank you Shannon <3
DeleteHmm... I do really like the cover and the premise sounds interesting but I'm not sure I want to read it because it does seem to be a bit on the slow side. And the romance doesn't really appeal to me.
ReplyDeleteGreat review!
Thank you for dropping by Nick <3
DeleteI love the cover too, a shame that it dragged a bit for you.
ReplyDeleteNaomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
Yes, it dragged quite a bit in the beginning - it does have potential though.
DeleteNice review, Benish. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Cover also captured my attention, it is soo pretty :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Lucia, the cover is pretty fantastic :)
DeleteRight? I WANT HER HAIR. It is an interesting aspect, I haven't come across characters with it in books, and shame about Tilda's romance and at least the story picked up eventually, right? :)
ReplyDeleteI know! Her hair color is soo beautiful, I wish this color existed in reality as well - & yes, the novel did pick up eventually and it became enjoyable. Thank you for your thoughts <3
DeleteHmmm.... I think I am going to pass on this one. I read her book last year, The MIdnight Witch and while I loved her writing, the pace dragged and I ended up not liking the book at all. Sounds like you had some similar problems with the pacing in this one. I was so wanting to like her work, but I didn't so I think I am going to stick to my guns and not read this. THanks for the helpful review.
ReplyDeleteThank you dropping by Heidi x The cover & plot is very catchy though, it does drag here and there though. I think a lot of authors have that slow pace routine in books.
DeleteThe cover is beautiful! I would grab a copy for that alone ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm pleased to see you enjoyed this despite the slow-ish start, the fantasy element sounds like it was done well.
A wonderful review! Sharon – Obsession with Books
Thank you Sharon <3 & I agree, I would buy the book alone for that fantastic cover.
DeleteOMG I was going to say the SAME thing about the cover and hair! haha!
ReplyDeleteI love that albinism is discussed in the book, I agree, I can't remember reading a book with that in it before. I'm sorry to hear the beginning was slow, that's never fun.
It is slow paced here and there, the plot does get better as the book progresses. Thank you for stopping by Katie :)
DeleteHmm. after reading your review, I'm still not sure about this book. I'll admit the cover lured me in, but I was never 100% into the blurb. It sounds like I might enjoy it, but at the same time, I think the complaints you had against it might bother me too. But maybe?
ReplyDeleteDreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books
Hmm, you could like this despite it's slow paced - our tastes can differ maybe? ♥
DeleteThat IS a stunning cover! And very intriguing too. I haven't read much books about witchcraft and I want to explore that concept in novels. Thanks for putting this under my radar! Adding this to my never ending TBR! :D
ReplyDeleteBlessie @ Mischievous Reads
You welcome Blessie, lol I hope you do get around to this eventually :) ♥
DeleteYou welcome Blessie, lol I hope you do get around to this eventually :) ♥
DeleteThat cover is just stunning, I hope the actual content of the book justifies it.